Madagascar Brown Rain Frog For Sale


  • Scaphiophryne brevis
  • Captive Bred
  • Approximately 1.25 – 2 Inches In Length
  • Females Grow Larger Than Males
  • Feeding On Small Crickets And Worms

Madagascar Brown Rain Frog For Sale

We have some Captive Bred Madagascar Brown Rain Frog For Salee Online at incredibly inexpensive prices. We obtain our frogs directly from The Frog Ranch, so you can be confident in their genetics. These vibrantly coloured amphibians grow to enormous proportions and consume everything in sight. Frogs are great to design an enclosure for since they need a lot of areas to explore and a lot of water, but not too much space. Frogs are energetic and can be entertaining to interact with, despite the fact that they are rarely affectionate. When you purchase a frog from us, you enjoy our 100% live arrival guarantee.

When ordering our medium and adult sized amphibians, you may request a male or female frog (or any combination thereof), but please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee the sex. However, we can ensure that someone with a lot of experience with amphibians will try to find the precise frog(s) you’re looking for.

More About Madagascar Brown Rain Frog For Sale Near Me

  • Scaphiophryne brevis
  • Captive Bred
  • Approximately 1.25 – 2 Inches In Length
  • Females Grow Larger Than Males
  • Feeding On Small Crickets And Worms
  • Generally A Light Brown With Brown And/Or Black Markings
  • Found In Dry Open Areas Of Southern And Southwestern Madagascar
  • Can Tolerate A Broad Range Of Habitats And Is Very Adaptable

Shipping Schedule

We ship overnight. Most packages arrive by 11:30am. If you live in a smaller town, or in a rural area it may arrive between 12-4pm. We also offer HOLD FOR PICKUP at your closest FedEx center, so you can pick the package up after work/school. Madagascar Brown Rain Frog For Sale

Our shipping days are Monday to Friday. Reptile orders placed before 2pm usually get shipped the same day .
Reptile orders placed after 2pm, get shipped the following day.
Ex: If you place your order at 5pm Monday, we will ship Tuesday, and you will receive Wed. Morning.
You may request an alternate shipping day. Please email us to let us know what day works for you.

Please see Live Arrival Guarantee page.

We pack your reptiles in the safest, most efficient way possible. All reptile orders are shipped in a styro-foam lined cardboard box used specifically for shipping reptiles. Depending on weather conditions, we may include an ice pack or heat pack at no charge for the safety of the animals. Madagascar Brown Rain Frog For Sale
If weather conditions are too severe to ship, we will notify you and arrange a future shipping date. This is all done for the safety of the animal!

The health and safety of the animal comes first! Please read our terms before ordering.